McBeth Loquat

McBeth Loquat

Source tree from Shamus O'Learys, Sep 2015 (DIED)
Source tree from La Verne Nursery (Lowes), Sep 2016

DIED SUMMER 2018: Summer 2018 was especially brutal. Growth kept getting fried back in June and by late July it was dead.

Still a small tree for me, but it is flowering for the first time this spring (2018). I did have a large fruit-producing McBeth in 2015-2016 that I got from Shamus O'Learys Tropical Fruit Trees, but lost it in the summer of 2016 due to an irrigation problem.

Loquats can take the summer (but not the summer sun when they are small trees) as long as they have proper irrigation. They want afternoon shade when they are young, but will eventually grow into full sun. Providing a west-side nurse tree (or wall / structure, etc.) that they need to grow over to reach the sun would be a good planting strategy.

New growth on McBeth

Flower stalks
