Pickering Mango
Source tree from Shamus O'Learys Tropical Fruit Trees, Mar 2016
Pickering has a reputation for being precocious, and my experience is no exception. I originally had this tree planted in a full sun location. Nearly all my mangos seem to not only tolerate full AZ sun, but actually love it. Not Pickering. Its leaves were constantly getting sunburned, branch tips were drying back. So in 2017 I transplanted it to a more protected location and it is much happier. No leaf burn at all. But the summer of 2016 killed a lot of the tree back, so it is still a small (~4 ft) tree. But in the spring of 2018 it flowered like crazy and as of late Apr 2018 it is trying to hold onto something like 50-100 fruits. Crazy little mango! Tree is still too small to bring the fruit to maturity so I will cull everything by mid-May. But I am impressed by how well this mango has bounced back for me.